Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You can find almost anything in HK!

They sell Levi's here...and even UNDER WEAR!

The NEW Harbour School

Hi Nonna again! Here's the promised photos of the new school! The whole scheme is "Harbour"! How surprising is that? heh heh...

Nonna - above is our new library - it is in a central area. We also have assembly in this area, and the presenting class goes on the stage here. You can't really tell from here, but the carpet is done in swirling blues to look like the ocean!
Above is the reading boat! You can go to library and read a great book in the reading boat! What a fun quiet time.
Christina's class has the solar system suspended from the ceiling.
This is (L to R), Ms Chloe (assistant teacher), Christina-boo, Ms Mu (lead teacher) and Emily.

[note from Mom: THANK HEAVEN FOR MS. MU!!!!

If there was EVER a teacher who could match C's energy and enthusiasm for life it IS Ms. Mu!!!!! Mommy LOVES her. She can really make C's mind work!!! Also, Ms Mu stands about 10 inches above Christina, and that's about it. I don't think there's any way this woman clears 5'. Anyhow, sometimes it is just super-good for C to have an authority figure who can really look her in the eye....:-)]
Here's Ms. Amy (Assistant teacher, from the U.S. West Coast), Jessica-Junginger-jelly-jar, and Ms. Meredith (lead teacher). Ms. Meredith is from Australia, and is clearly very degreed in education. She's super-concerned for the childrens' well-being, and that makes mommy happy and fell like Jessica is being well-taken-care-of! She's super!

More later, Nonna - just wanted to share these as quickly as possible.

It's a super-cool new school! (The rest is the same, same bus, same bring-your-own-lunch, etc. etc.).

Jessica and Christina