Friday, August 22, 2008

Letter from Jessica and Christina

Outdoor shopping in Stanley is fun.
Our Apartment. Lamma Island is in the distance.

More Olympic friendlies!

Fung Shui
New Scooters!
Hong Kong is host to the 2008 Olympic Equestrian events - they're quite horse-crazy here, most of it is in regards to gambling on horse races. The amount of money spent here on the horse-racing gambling is a bit obscene, so the government requires a tax of sorts - the profits go to charities in the name of the Hong Kong Jockey club. Every other building here is Hong Kong Jockey Club - I think they have about 10 hospitals, 30 university buildings, on and on and on.
Shopping at the peak.

Dear Friends!

How are you all doing? We sure do you miss you! Christina has some big news – she has her first loose tooth! And, we can see the one coming in below it. We also got some pet fish for our apartment.

Our apartment is on the 46th floor and we have a spectacular view of the ocean. Boats and container ships come and go all day long. But when the tide goes out, you can see some yucky trash. We can also see Lamma island which has a giant wind mill on it. We can also see a ton of other islands, and when rain storms come through it is great fun to watch from our balcony. Also, every night we can see fireworks from Lantau Island - - that is where Hong Kong’s Disney Land is. We haven’t yet been to Disney Land because we’re told it is too hot in the summer. Hong Kong is actually a collection of islands, “Hong Kong” island is the biggest one.

Our apartment has an indoor pool that is HUGE and decorated with an Egyptian pharaohs. The ceiling is decorated with a dark blue sky and stars. It also has a room with “mineral pools” which are four smaller pools – one is really hot, two are sort of warm, and the one in the middle is FREEZING cold!

Hong Kong is very fun and interesting. They have a giant park here called Ocean Park which is fun like Sea World. We’ve been there twice. We went downtown to ‘Central’ yesterday for some shopping. We bought new scooters…wish we had brought our scooters and bikes from home. Christina’s scooter has flashing lights on the rear. The bicycle shop was about as big as a shoe box with a billion bikes crammed in. We also went to a terrific Chinese restaurant yesterday. It was the most wonderful food we’ve had since we’ve been here. We couldn’t stop eating it…all except for Christina, so it was a good thing mom brought a PB&J sandwich for Christina.

It is hard for us to get accustomed to the food here, the milk is different, the crackers are different, everything is really different. But, Mommy did finally find an American grocery store that had Welch’s Grape Jelly, so at least now we can eat a PB&J sandwich!

Jessica and Mommy really enjoy shopping in Hong Kong! There really aren’t big stores like Kohl’s or Target here, but there are some nice small shops. Yesterday we went into a Tea Pot shop. It was great fun.

We are attaching some photos. Most of them you can figure out…but one of them is of our apartment building and it has a hole in the middle that you can see. The Chinese find this to be good luck, because if a dragon comes down the hill, it will go through the hole rather than bothering the residents. We haven’t seen any dragons, though.

We hope you are all doing well, and we hope to hear from you soon!


Jessica and Christina Junginger

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