Thursday, January 8, 2009

Viet Nam November 2008

In November my team (my country managers) had their quarterly meeting in Viet Nam. Ngo Mihn Duc (he's the second guy from the left), our GSA in Viet Nam, works for HG Travel and they own a small cruise ship that cruises the waters of Halong Bay in VN. It is a true treat - spending a night in a lovely cove surrounded by all those pictures you see of "wild Asia" - the limestone formations.
From L to R, aboard the Bahaya Cruise ship:

Chaichan (GSA for Thailand)
Michael Fletcher (AA Australia)
Jeff Walker (AA Australia)
E.J. (moi)
Maisee Wong (GSA for Hong Kong)
June Pang (GSA for Korea)
Ella Sanchez (GSA for Philippines)
Simon Tang (tall guy in the back, GSA for Taiwan)
Ngo Mihn Duc (or "Mr. Duc," GSA for Viet Nam)
James Khoo (AA Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia)

Within the limestone formations, there are many caves. In the background of this photo is a cave that hosts meetings and parties. Just over my left shoulder you can see the stairs that lead up to the opening. This particular cave holds over 100 people and a full band.
This is the ship we were on. It has 20 cabins, all meticulously and sweetly decorated in true French Indo-China style. The silence is wonderful - the stars at night are totally countless and awesome. Our trip was this particular ship's maiden voyage, so everything was brand new. We could see the insecurity on the faces of the crew, but they did a lovely job.
Stunning scenerey. One of the most beautiful places I've ever been.
Tai Chi on the upper deck starts off the day!

We flew in to Hanoi, then took a 3 hour drive east to Halong Bay. On the final day, we came back through Hanoi and took a rick-shaw tour through town. It was certainly unusual, but it sure gave a feeling for the sights, sounds and colors of Hanoi. We passed John McCain's summer home. The city is fast, colorful and bursting with energy...truly a fabulous experience! Here are June, Duc and me......Simon, Michael and Maisee.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a camera at the time (Junginger family camera was in use for a school activity), so my photo library is a bit limited as I am relying on other peoples' photos and what they thought interesting.

Immediately following this trip, GrandPa and Nonna bought me my OWN camera! Thanks!!!!! I think you'll find too many photos in the future, rather than too few. Nonna and G-Pa, you're the best.

Anyhow, VN is one of the most fascinating places I've ever is simply (and that word was chosen on purpose, SIMPLY) beautiful. There are cattle roaming the streets and rice paddies everywhere. Hopefully I'll make it back and take more photos.

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