Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sims Family Visit - May 2009

The blog is a bit overdue, but the Sims family came to visit last May! Their visit was right during the height of the Swine Flu Scares - Janis and family were met with the usual precautions on the planes...luckily this has subsided.

But it is always OK to wear a mask when traveling. Particularly if you are not accustomed to the airplane cooties.

Mark, Jessica, Christina and the Sims family had a few days together while I was in the USA. Then I got to join up after I returned. Below are a few nice shots from The Peak - best view of Hong Kong there is - Victoria Harbor below is lovely, if you can convince the weather to cooperate.

One day Mark and Janis went to explore the terra cotta warriers in Xian, so we had a fun time just Me, Mark J and the kids. Unfortunately the weather really did act up a bit - we had monsoon rains!! We did make it to Repulse Bay to see some of the fun statues of sea gods/goddesses and learn a bit of the history of the sea from the native Hong Kong point of view!

Emily is fond of dragons - this is a nice one.
Rain can't stop us!
Another dragon and the soggy kids.
Peek a boo!

We miss you guys! Come see us again, soon! Love, Junginger family.

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