Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lantau Island

We took a nice little Saturday trip to Lantau Island. The Parker family - some friends we met through Jessica's school (Mrs. Parker is the Music teacher, and Sabrina is in Jessica's class) - kindly hosted us for a day exploring where they live! They have a nice house in a residential neighborhood which was near a beach and other fun activities. The airport is on Lantau Island, but it also is home to a more "country" feel of Hong Kong.

Lantau Island is not far by ferry. We just hopped in a taxi and headed to the Central Piers - This is Jessica and Christina in front of the Ferry. The ferry ride took about 25 minutes.
One of the big highlights of Lantau is that you can see the Pink Dolphins - they swim around off the coast near some rocky cliffs. We took a boat ride to see them but unfortunately they were not out.

Here's the little boat we rode on to look for the dolphins.

It has been quite a foggy day until the evening came around - then we saw some nice scenery as the late afternoon sun came out.

One of the very interesting parts of Lantau is in "Tai O," a small fishing village where people have lived on stilt houses for ages. They just build them out into the water!

The photo above really amazes me - you can see straight through the stilts.

Pretty girls.

Now after a fun day of sight-seeing, you need a good sea-food meal! Try some of the tasty Hong Kong delicacies featured below! Mmmmmmm. Actually, I think they are used more for medicinal purposes than food, but I'm not really sure.

Looks like Jessie and Sabrina have their eyes on the dried puffer fish.
Spiny blow fish might be nice for a change...

OK this is just THE ugliest thing ever. Of course if you prefer sea horse, the bottom right hand corner is the ticket.

Anyhow, a really fun day overall in Lantau with our friends!

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