Sunday, March 8, 2009

Snack time - Jimmy's desk

Hi Robin - this blog is devoted especially to fond memories of you and your snack drawer.

Please meet Jimmy Lee. He's the snack king of the HKG office, your counterpart on the other side of the world. He is as kind and as good a "light conversationalist" as you are! We've taken over his entire desk rather than just a drawer.

But in HKG we do things a little different from the way we did things in the US. You see, there is a lot of traveling going on around here, and it is a bit of an un-written office "policy" to bring some goodies in with you when you either return from a trip, or come to visit us from another far-away land. Here - let's take a look!

First, here's a lovely little yummy from Taiwan. It is quite creative! It is pumpkin seeds soaked in green tea then glued together with some sort of sweet syrup, then cut into a bar shape. Here's the close-up. Yes, it is a bit different from what we often see in your cube, but it is actually very nice!

Now whenever you see this label, "Bangawan Solo," you'll want to take a try. This is a lovely little bakery in Singapore. They have some butter cookies that are divinely wonderful! Pictured here on the right are some little coconut cookie bites. On the left are some little treats that go like hotcakes (you know, not literally, because I don't think hotcakes would really "go,"). They look like a little baked spring roll. The filling is dried shrimp. Has quite a fishy smell - like I said, they are VERY popular for a salty snack, but I don't care much for them. But yes, I've tried them. I'll take the coconut cookie bites any day!

Recently one of our colleagues took a trip to BKK, and these little fishy skins came back. All you have to do is open the plastic container to get a nice smell of what they might taste like. (Haven't tried them.)
Nice closeup of another variety of fishy chips from BKK! (Haven't tried). They just come in a plastic bag like when you buy bulk banana chips at the Whole Foods market with a scoop! (If you get too close, your eyes might water. )

Now on to some little tasty treats from Beijing. Green Bean Jelly Block (nope), Goat Liver Jelly Block (what, are you kidding me??? No seriously, I thought it was a joke. You know, there are about a billion different dialects in China so I thought it must be a issue of translation. Therefore, I sought four independent translations, and they all came up with the same thing - - goat liver jelly. Ah well, nothing to waste.), Taro Vegetable Cake and Sesame Cake (probably completely harmless, but since they came in the same bag as the Goat Liver Jelly Block, I haven't tried them).

And now can you possibly guess who has decided to take it upon themselves to manage the chocolate tin? Yep, you're right!!!

All the best, Love, EJ

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