Saturday, April 17, 2010

Christmas 2009

We enjoyed Christmas in the USA, with Christmas day with the Knopps in Houston, then to DFW for a bit, then to Raleigh to see the Jungingers, then back to DFW for New Years. Not too many photos this year, unfortunately.

It is Christmas Day in Houston!!! Hooooraayyy!!!

Nonna and John and 5 am when the kids woke up...ugh...get us some coffee! Jessica, however, is ready to roll.

Note from Santa.

Children's Museum in Durham, NC - Jessica looking not too happy!

But not to worry, she cheered up with at the cloud generator exhibit...

More fun Christmas exhibits.

One special highlight for Christina was helping Aunt Lisa rake leaves in the yard in Raleigh. Sure with I had a photo of both of them together...Christina worked well into the night to help Aunt Lisa. It was really chilly, so we borrowed one of the Jungingers' coats.

Happy New Year!

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