Saturday, April 17, 2010

Jumbo in Aberdeen - and Chopsticks

There is a truly lovely story about the dragons who are alive and well in Hong Kong. There are special dragons who guard the entrance to the Jumbo restaurant. There is a book about the story, which is often available in the children's section of most US bookstores, but is not available in Hong Kong. It is a lovely book about love of spirituality and tradition in Hong Kong...but with a truly Western point of view. The book is called "Chopsticks." The following photos will acquaint you with the floating restaurant and the dragons who guard the entrance....the ones who are featured in "Chopsticks." The International Planning group gave me this book before we came to Hong Kong, primarily driven by Greg Hendry, who has young children of his own.

You begin the journey to Jumbo at the Aberdeen harbour. Take a short ferry to the restaurant itself.
Here we are on the ferry.

After about 3 minutes, here's Jumbo...can you see the two beautiful golden dragons?

Pretty decent looking dragon!

Waaauuugghh!The inside is so beautifully decorated!

We were there close to Chinese New Year (this year is the Year of the Tiger). It is traditional to have peach blossoms all around decorated with laisee packets. It is rumored that if you walk around it clockwise, you will have romance in the new year!

OK now for the important part...the kids' area (below)! Jumbo is a very family friendly place for Sunday brunch...particularly for the Westerners (the locals think the food is overpriced for the quality).

You see, the reason the kids' room is so good, is that it is a champagne brunch! We had a great time with friends - - we had about 20 in our party and we definitely got our money's worth. Below are the Diamonds from London - -

The Bertis (he's from London, she's from NYC)...

Emma Anderson from Australia with her newly adopted "Grace" from Ethiopia.

Here's Jessica's lunch! Yummy!

OK so you can drink in the middle of the day in Hong Kong because nobody drives :-)...We had a GREAT time!

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