Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thanksgiving November 2009

We had such a fun and happy Thanksgiving in 2009! It was wonderful to have Lisa, John, and Mercy over to help us celebrate.

Unique shot of the watermelon ball coming straight for the camera!

The world travelers and their nieces.

Mercy, me, Mark, John, Christina and Jessica.

We made sure to get our Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving day...maybe you can see it in the background.

Mark cooked us a super Thanksgiving meal. Although the Turkey was frozen from the USA, it sure was good! We had stuffing, green beans, and all the good stuff. Unfortunately we didn't get a shot of that food :-(.

We made some of GrandPa's favorite cookies (from Nonna's recipe, of course) so we could feel like it was home.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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