Saturday, April 17, 2010

Jessica and Christina's birthday 2009

In 2009, Jessica and Christina celebrated their birthdays together in one! Jessica turned 9 on July 15, 2009, and Christina turned 7 on September 3, 2009. Since both actual birthdays were while most people are on summer break in Hong Kong, we decided to wait until fall and have a joint birthday party together at the Aberdeen Yacht Club. They have one of the most awesome party sites in all Hong Kong...and one of the most rocking play areas.

They have an awesome slide - - one of our good friends, Jake Gross, enjoyed the slides.

And when the kids are having fun, the parents can have a nice chat.

Mark and Erika Birdie had a nice chat, too!

Some of the Mums from our apartment complex, Joe Diamond from London, Michelle Birdie from New York in the background, and Deanne Young from New Zealand.

Nieve and Morgan also enjoyed the slides.

The ball pit at the end of one of the slides is about 4 feet deep. Lucky we didn't lose anyone...especially Christina and Sabrina.

Jessica likes hanging around!

Lunch time included pizza, burgers, hotdogs, fries, chicken nuggets...and pirate chairs.

It is such fun to have so many friends around!

And of course, they had an awesome cake!

Jessica and Christina blew out the candles together.

Happy Birthday!

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